Monday, July 30, 2012

Michael Jordan wears underwear

Graham has been going potty twice a day since the beginning of the year. Finally I decided he is really ready to be all the way trained. Apparently all I needed to say was "Michael Jordan wears underwear". Those of you that know Graham well know that is loves basketball and Michael Jordan. He didn't want anything to do with underwear until I told him Michael Jordan wears them.

I told him that if he needs to pee he needs to say "Mom and I need to go potty" and we would go to the bathroom. Then he looked at me and said "When Michael Jordan needs to go potty he says 'mom, I need to go potty' ". I told him yep he does, for all I know Michael Jordan does call his mom and tell her he needs to go.

Here is my Michael Jordan playing some basketball in his cool underwear.


Pederson Seven said...

ridiculously awesome!!!!

Danielle said...

haha that is perfect. I love it.

Jandi said...

So funny! Love it!