Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rexburg weekend!

We were able to go over to Eastern Idaho to visit a little over a week ago. We had a good time visiting with Benson, Anna, and Riley. We also got to see our great friends Jordan and Callie Anderson in Rexburg. Jordan didn't tell Callie we were coming so it was such a fun surprise when we showed up.

Ryan riding the 4 wheeler with Riley up and down the street. We had forgotten how cold Eastern Idaho was, we were quickly reminded.

Despite being due in 6 weeks Callie jumped up and down when she opened the door and saw us. We had tons of fun playing games and hanging out just like old times.

Last stop. Before we left the land of cold I got to stop and see Brittani. Catching up on her life is always so great.

Winter Special Olympics

Ryan and I were able to go watch a little bit of the figure skating during the World Winter Special Olympics when it was in Boise a few weekends ago. All of the athletes were so excited and happy, we were glad we were able to see them.

Ryan and I cheering in the stands.

Our favorite skating outfits were the two Spiderman costumes we saw throughout the night.