Sunday, July 12, 2009

Visit from the Ludwigs

My sister Jandi and her husband Kenny and baby Myles were able to come visit a few weeks ago from Walla Walla. We had fun showing them the sites of Boise. We took them to the most important attractions in Boise including, the Boise Pride Festival, (by accident rather than by choice) the river, and of course the Boise State stadium.

Myles making his debut on the blue turf.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

We don't party like we used to

Now that Tess is almost 6 months pregnant, we don't party quite like we used to. We party twice as much as before. This year for the Fourth we partied it up downtown in Ann Morrison Park where they do fireworks. We threw on our unbelievably comfortable fold up chairs that turn into backpacks (as shown below in Tess's picture), drove downtown, parked the car in our secret parking spot, walked the quarter mile or so to the park, found a spot just 30 ft back from the rope and set up camp. Five minutes later, the fireworks started. We've gone the last couple of years and we like it a lot. Every year we get front row seats and it feels like the fireworks are right above you. After the show we walked up to the train depot with our chairbackpacks and took a few pics.

If you ever want to see interesting people, go to the train depot around midnight. There was an old couple breaking all the rules of PDA, a man wearing killer American Flag hammer pants, and in years past I've run into grown men howling like wearwolves at the moon. You never leave disappointed.

Here's the chairbackpack I've been raving about. It has even got a can holder. Oh, and it has four different reclining positions. We're thinking about sending this pic in to the chairbackpack company so they can use it as a catalog picture. I told you we don't party like we used to.