Sunday, December 27, 2009

Top Gifts of '09

For those of you who have followed our blog for a while, you may remember our post last Christmas of our favorite prank gifts of 2008. In a variation of that post, here are a few of our favorite gifts from Christmas 2009, pictures included. Some were prank gifts, some were just funny, and others were just plain awesome (see Sam's Star Trek gift):


This one was not a prank gift. We didn't think it'd be healthy for us to prank our 2 month old son on his first Christmas. I suppose this is falls under the "awesome-cute" category. We got him this little hunters outfit with matching cap. He loves the hat.


For those who know me well, you know I like to make my own iron on t-shirts every once in a while. Some of my personal favorites have been my "Iraq First, Canada Next" shirt and my "Managua: Spanglish for Manwater" shirts. I decided to pass this wildly immature hobby of mine down to my son by giving him a few homemade shirts of his own...

As you can tell from his facial expression, this shirt isn't so much funny as it is serious and disconcerting. I can't take credit for this idea, it actually comes from The Colbert Report on Comedy Central.

This one I did come up with on my own...not sure if I should be proud of that or not. I wanted to somehow epitomize my sons hardcoredness in shirt form. Naturally, the most hardcore thing I could think of was someone who hunts unicorns. And thus the shirt was born. Tess wasn't as impressed with this shirt as Graham and I. One of her favorite movies is "The Last Unicorn." It's somewhat unsettling for her to know that her son may actually slay the last unicorn someday.


My brother Adam got me this sweet shirt. Honestly, I never thought I'd be on a boat. But with this shirt, I think my chances have gotten better. For those of you who don't watch Saturday Night Live and are scratching your heads right now, click on the link below:


Our niece Macey loves animals. One of her favorite animals in the mancow (an imaginery animal that her dad made up). So I made her this mancow turtleneck shirt. I'd venture to say it was one of her top five gifts this Christmas.


Tess and I saved the tokens from Kellogs Cereal boxes religously so that we could get our brother-in-law Sam this awesome Star Trek T-shirt. All the hard work paid off, as you can tell by the reaction on his face when he opened it:

He appears to be in an almost child-like euphoria.

The fun didn't end there. He and Terri Anne got me a shirt with angel wings on the back of it and man diapers for my birthday a few days earlier. If only you could have seen the joy in our faces as we put our shirts/diapers on and frolicked around the house...

Sam couldn't contain himself. He kept setting his phaser to stun and barging into the room. A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e-!


We'll end where we started, with another awesome-cute gift. Even though I (this is Ryan writing, if you hadn't gathered that already) have never watched any of the Star Wars movies all the way through (I've seen bits and pieces on tv, but have never been that interested in watching them), I decided if Graham is going to have any chance of hanging with his older boy cousins on either side of our family, he's going to need to watch & love Star Wars. What better way to start than by dressing in Star Wars garb?

And that was our Christmas. We had a great time and enjoyed spending time with family. To our Oregon relatives, we're sorry we couldn't make it out this year! With a new baby, new job, and me leaving for my friend's wedding in Lake Tahoe this week, we couldn't find a way to make it work. We'll make it out there as soon as all the snow melts! I hope you enjoyed this post.

Happy New Year!

Ryan, Tess, and Graham.


Britt said...

ha ha- always leaves me smiling.

Jandi said...

Ryan, I am going to find both you and Graham T-shirts that say "The Last Unicorn" on them. Mark my words, I will find them! I think your T-shirts are awesome!

Tyra Baird said...

You should market your creations. I would buy them. Expecially Grahams. I do the same thing, except I take brig's old shirts and use them to make onesie's. You guys are awesome parents.