Wednesday, November 30, 2011


On the Friday before Halloween Graham got to trick or treat at Ryan's work (Scentsy). Graham was Rod from the movie Hot Rod or a stunt man if you don't know what I'm talking about. He got to bring his bike to the office, however he refused to ride it the whole time we were there.

I'd say they look pretty similar.

The theme for Ryan's department was Tim Burton movies and the theme for his "team" was The Nightmare before Christmas. He was Dr. Finkelstein. But he was also The Most Interesting Man in the World.

To say the least Graham was pretty nervous when we were around the Nightmare before Christmas group. With good reason.

Ryan nailed his Most Interesting Man costume.

Graham was nervous trick or treating for a little while but when he saw that he could get candy he warmed right up.

And last but not least I was a Christmas tree. My ornament earrings fell off and rolled under the car next to me in the parking lot before we got inside but I rocked my tree skirt.


Jandi said...

Oh Sister, you guys are so cute!! THat picture of Graham trick-or-treating looks just like you. :)

Pederson Seven said...

That tree skirt is many words are coming to mind, like hot, adore, the bomb. And I might add, I can't even believe you when you say you're pregnant because you are so so hot, are the bomb. I'm so happy you are having a girl!!!!!