Friday, November 30, 2012

Pablo, our mariachi boy

Mariachi for hire! Ryan, being the cool cat that he is, had the foresight to have a toddler sized mariachi suit made while he was on his mission in Nicaragua. Well, actually he had it made for our nephew but he is now almost 10, so the suit has been passed to Graham. We had no idea it fit until the other night. The good news is it will fit him for awhile and the double good news is that we have an additional matching jacket that is a size smaller so in about a year Penny will be able to join his mariachi band.

In case you are thinking "Oh, I didn't know Ryan or Tess played the violin," we don't. But maybe Graham will, he was really in to it. I say we send him down to the streets of Boise to serenade the city folk and earn some basketball card money.


Lindsey said...

You totally should take him downtown in that. So stinkin' cute! You know he would make a TON of money! Haha

Pederson Seven said...

!Viva los amigos!

Britt said...

I keep thinking I should come to the streets of Boise and hear him play. What a cute post and I loved the Penny one too. I agree, they were all different pictures.