5. The Legend of Butch & Sundance (possibly the worst movie ever made)
4. The Pink Sweatshirt
3. Chicago Night Sky, by Sam
2. Beer
1. Lingerie
Unfortunately I did not get a picture of this, but it was probably the best of them all. When Terri Anne and Sam were in Boise for Thanksgiving, Sam did some Christmas shopping for Terri Anne and then wrapped the gifts up. Instead of taking them back to Provo with them he left them here, leaving us with the opportunity to unwrap one of the boxes, pull out the actual gift (a pair of shoes) and put in some lingerie. As luck would have it this was the first gift Terri Anne opened. She pulled the lid of the shoes box and pulled at the tissue paper. But as soon as she saw the content of the box, she slammed the lid back on and looked at her husband. Knowing what was inside, I chimed in. "What is it? Show everyone." She didn't pull out the contents, but we all had a good laugh.
The Ugly Shirt
Googly Eye Plant