Sunday, December 28, 2008

Top 5 Gag Gifts of 2008

Every November, people begin thinking of Christmas. Lists are made and hours are spent finding that perfect gift. Our family is no different. However, more often than not, more time is spent finding the perfect gag gift than is spent finding an actual gift. This year was no different. I have a compiled a list of the Top 5 gag gifts from the Smith Family Christmas of 2008.

5. The Legend of Butch & Sundance (possibly the worst movie ever made)

About a year ago my brother Billy told me that he and his wife had a new favorite movie called The Legend of Butch & Sundance. Having no reason to doubt him, I went out and rented it. We put it in the DVD player and pushed play. What followed was the worst two hours of our lives. Terrible acting combined with a poor storyline make this one of the worst movies we've ever seen. Turns out Billy & Megan had rented it and found out how terrible it was then decided to jokingly recommend it to us. So, to get even, we purchased a Wii game...took out the game and replaced it with The Legend of Butch & Sundance DVD ($1.25 on Amazon). Then we resealed the Wii Game so that it looked unopened. Billy didn't realize what we had done until two days after Christmas when he saw that Terri Anne had updated her facebook status to say she was playing the game. At first he thought, "No, I've got that game right here." Then he ran upstairs and opened the game up, only to find that The Legend of Butch & Sundance was in its place.

4. The Pink Sweatshirt

My brother Adam has a curious love of pink clothing. He claims it started with the pink Sunday shirt that he wore to church when he was younger. So when we saw the pink hoodie in the men's section at Ross for $9.99, we knew we had to get it.

3. Chicago Night Sky, by Sam

My little sister Terri Anne loves Chicago, so we thought it'd be nice to paint a picture of the Chicago skyline at night and then wrap it up and label it to her from her husband Sam. We even used glitter to make the stars. We're not sure what she's going to do with it, but she could probably make a fortune if she sold it to an art gallery or put it on ebay.

2. Beer

Nothing says "Happy Holidays" like beer. And no one appreciates a six pack of holiday beer more than my mom. That's why we wrapped up this six-pack of beer and put it under the tree and labeled it to my mom from my dad. At first she wasn't sure what it was...then she read the label. She asked my dad if he really got it for her, and he couldn't seem to remember if he had or not. Then she wondered if he hadn't realized it was beer. Then she came to her senses and realized it was one of her sons. My friend Josh actually bought the beer, disposed of it (drank it), then filled the bottles up with water and re-capped them.

1. Lingerie

Unfortunately I did not get a picture of this, but it was probably the best of them all. When Terri Anne and Sam were in Boise for Thanksgiving, Sam did some Christmas shopping for Terri Anne and then wrapped the gifts up. Instead of taking them back to Provo with them he left them here, leaving us with the opportunity to unwrap one of the boxes, pull out the actual gift (a pair of shoes) and put in some lingerie. As luck would have it this was the first gift Terri Anne opened. She pulled the lid of the shoes box and pulled at the tissue paper. But as soon as she saw the content of the box, she slammed the lid back on and looked at her husband. Knowing what was inside, I chimed in. "What is it? Show everyone." She d
idn't pull out the contents, but we all had a good laugh.


The Ugly Shirt

This wasn't technically a gag gift, but I thought it deserved some blog exposure. I found this shirt on a clearance rack at Dillards and knew I needed to have it. I call it my ugly shirt and I love it.

Googly Eye Plant

This one is somewhat of an inside joke, but funny nonetheless. We made this googly eye plant for our friends Jordan & Callie. For an explanation of why we put googly eyes on the plant, please click on this link and view the video clip:


Billy and Megan said...

Awesome post - we were laughing out loud reading about each of these. You are right on about coming up with pretend gifts - I am always bouncing ideas off of Meg.

Unknown said...

this is the best post I have ever read! You guys are sorely missed. Sam and I laughed our heads off, thanks!

Britt said...

I for sure wish I could see those looks! So funny!

Cool Waters said...

Did you notice you played jokes on Sam and I more than anyone else!?! Yeah, we're not laughing.

Ylfe said...

You guys are hilarious! I love it! Tess, I enjoyed seeing you so much over Christmas. And Ryan you were missed. Meri kept saying "we got to see everyone in our family except Ryan!"