Monday, June 29, 2009

Old favorite

I've decided to resurrect and old post that happens to be one of my favorite. It is a post from our old blog on Vox. A lot of you may not have seen it because we didn't link up with a lot of people on that blog. The post is from May 21st, 2008. Enjoy:


So the elections for county commissioner are coming up soon here in Rexburg and today someone came around and hung little fliers for one of the candidates on all the doors in our apartment complex. Naturally, I threw ours away. But then, a few hours later after I had some time to clear my mind, I realized that I could probably do something with it. I removed it from its plastic grave and took it over to the computer. From there I typed the words "I do not eat babies, and that's a promise", into a word document. Next, I positioned the flier into my printer and pushed print. The end result was a new and improved flier that said in bold letters across the top "I do not eat babies, and that's a promise!" I took the new flier and brought it down to our downstairs neighbors, whose original flier was still hanging on their door. I quickly replaced theirs with mine. Now we just have to wait and see if they notice it.


Britt said...

do we get to know what happens next?

Unknown said...

Our neighbors were slightly confused. They weren't sure if he was just trying to be funny to appeal to college students. We told them it was us and we all had a good hearty laugh.

Britt said...

haahhah that is the best!

Ylfe said...

Ryan you are hilarious!