Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday Nights

A typical Wednesday night at my parents' house.

Ok, so there was a work party with people from my dad's work and a couple of partygoers snuck in their own beverages. I don't think my parents even realized the drinks were alcoholic.


Britt said...

OHH my, that is funny!

Anonymous said...

Did I ever tell you about the time in high school that my sister had a party and some guys brought Mike's Hard Lemonade and I got 1/4 of the way through one until I mentioned that it tasted horrible and somebody clued me in... The rest of it didn't taste as bad since I knew what was going on. (Kidding about that last part of still tasted horrible [again kidding {these brackets inside brackets are starting to look like an algebra equation}])2-x=y-a

Cool Waters said...

It all started when Dad drank mountain dew...

Cool Waters said...

Where's your little widget that shows how far along Tess is?? I think one is in store for this blog. Atticus is due Oct. 20th (ish) right??