Sunday, July 18, 2010


It's been a while since we posted. We've been busy traveling and working on projects at our new house. We've been putting up a fence in our backyard and getting ready to install a sprinkler system and grass. Here's a few pics so you can see our progress:

View from back patio (pre-fence project)

If you look closely, you can see me behind the machine.

Getting ready to set the posts.


Fence, before stain.

Fence, after stain.

In other news, Graham likes to pull himself up on whatever he can. Among his favorite things to pull himself up on are: the couch, tv stand, tv dinner stands, any pair of stationary human legs.


Adam Smth said...

Dad is missing...are you sure you got those posts level?

Billy and Megan said...

The fence looks great! You can come stain ours next if you want :) Thanks again for wathing Landon. Make sure to drop Graham off some time, so I can pay you back.

Jandi said...

Your fence looks great! And Graham is such a cutie! Miss and love you guys!

Ylfe said...

Wow, I can't believe you guys built that fence so fast. It looks awesome! Graham looks kind of like Zac in that picture!