Thursday, August 30, 2012

Salt Lake Trip

  Penny and I went to Salt Lake for the weekend to meet up with my awesome sister Jandi. Jandi lives in a remote location also known as Ely, Nevada. Therefore, she has limited shopping opportunities. We made the most of our time together. We shopped (my first IKEA experience), went to lunch (Olive Garden, sister tradition), shopped more, went swimming, and went to Temple Square. And we did it all in 1 day.

One of my favorite parts of the trip was swimming. (Penny didn't really swim, she hung out in her bouncer.) As a mom I've learned that once you have kids that are old enough to get in the water you no longer get to swim, you hold kids. (Which is great, don't get me wrong). But Jandi and I both enjoyed the freedom to actually swim. Technically Jandi was still holding a kid since she is like 19 weeks pregnant but she could still use her arms.

Jandi and I at Temple Square. It was late like 7:30pm but 
we still saw at least 4 brides and we saw a couple get engaged.
The Salt Lake  Temple.
Penny and I hanging out by a fountain on Temple Square.
The three of us with the temple (very darkly) in the background.
Heading to the swimming pool. I know this picture is awesome with the flash.  
Penny hanging out before we went swimming.

1 comment:

Pederson Seven said...

Oh I miss you girls! How fun!!!!! And what's up with Jandi looking so hot in a swim suit at 19 weeks? Wish i could've been there with you:)
love you sisters,