Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Penny 9 months old

Penny is growing up. She is already 9 months old! But according to the doctor's office at her appointment today she was 12 months old. Luckily I realized they thought that and was able to stop them before they gave her 12 month shots. Here are her stats: weight 14lbs. 13oz. (3.59%) and height 26 1/4 inches (6.32%).

Teeth: 0
Crawling: Yes, more like worming around, she still lets her belly drag, but she is fast.
Eating: She loves Multi Grain Cheerios and Graham crackers and most any kind of baby food but especially banana.
Sleeping: She takes two awesome naps during the day (2-3 hours each) and wakes up once at night.
Toys: She loves Hot Wheels, books, babies, and whatever Graham is playing with.
Talking: She says "da da da" and "ma ma ma" and spits and blows bubbles.

She loves her brother Graham, he on the other hand has become a little more annoyed with her now that she is mobile but she is just becoming more resilient with each push and tackle. We love you Penny bow!

Our happy little girl!
Graham at 10 months. I think they look a lot alike in these pictures.


Britt said...

Tess, Graham and Penny sure do look alike which I didn't think when I saw them in July. They are growing up so much~ How fun!

Jandi said...

I love them!!! Penny is such a pretty lady!! Love her eyes!!