Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Some things in May

There has been a bit of a blog slump over here. For no reason in particular. Sometimes it seems like too much work, sometimes I don't want to share things with lots of people, sometimes I just don't think about it at all. But I decided to document our May activities in this small form. Enjoy!
An afternoon at Simplot's Hill.
Penny being cheesy.
This picture is so scary. One little slip and G would have been Princess Bride right down the hill.
They both brought their Georges up the hill.
At least a few nights a week we make a visit over to the neighborhood construction site. Pure love for this boy.
Penny sporting her Burger King crown.
Graham has been super into Thomas lately. This is him trying to decide between the shirt or the hat. He sent this picture to Ryan to get his opinion. He decided on the hat.
Happy 8 year Anniversary to us!
Watching the ducks and jumping around at the park.
Picking up a few things for the yard.
Before the haircut.
After the haircut.
Enjoying a ride in the gutter.


Pederson Seven said...

I love the pics of Graham!!!! The shirt or the hat and the ride in the gutter!!! I am laughing out loud!

Britt said...

You are so good with words, would have been princess bride! Oh my that hill looks cray cray! How fun to see you and your little kidos!

I love the dandelion cover pic. So you, so cute.