Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Not for the queasy or faint of heart

Now that we've shown how we told Tess's parents that she was pregnant, we thought it was time for the world to see how we told my parents. I must warn you, the photos you will see may be disturbing to some viewers. As the title of this post suggests, it is not for the queasy or faint of heart. So here's how we did it. I found a picture of a baby and using a page out of Conan O'Brien's book, I gave the baby features from both mine and Tess's face. I then blew the picture up to poster size and framed it. Our original plan was to wrap it up and give it to my mom on her birthday. Unfortunately, Tess had been sick for about three weeks straight. A week before her birthday, my mom asked Tess if she thought it might be morning sickness. Tess, afraid of ruining the birthday surprise, told her that she didn't think so.

After lying to my mom Tess's guilt overwhelmed her. So later that day we hung the picture up on the wall above where my mom keeps pictures of all her grandkids. My dad saw it first and asked us if it as for real. We told him it was and then he got my mom to come look at it. For those of you who know my mom, you can imagine her reaction. For those of you who don't know her, she screamed and asked repeatedly, "Are you serious?"

And now, without further adew, the picture...

As you can see, our baby has Tess's eyes and mouth and my nose and hair. It will also be born with a tattoe on its right arm that says "Grandkid #8".


Pederson Seven said...

That is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Breathtaking.
(you've seen that Seinfeld I assume!)
You guys are so flipping creative!

Pederson Seven said...

is the baby really going to have a tatoo?

Jandi said...

I agree with Krystal-simply breathtaking! I do have one question though, is it a boy or girl? And when do we get to see the belly shots of you two?

Unknown said...

Yes, we anticipate the baby being born with a tattoo. The ultrasound on Monday should confirm that. We don't know the gender yet, and as you can tell the picture doesn't give us any clues. Belly shots coming soon.

Hannah and Benjamin Aeby said...

Oh my! That is a pretty awesome way to tell the parents!

Ylfe said...

you guys are such goof balls! I love it!

The Munk Family said...

Yippee!! I'm so happy for you guys. I love your blog. Sorry that you're so sick. I can't wait to hear what you're having.
