Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend of Fun

Our friends Jordan & Callie and their new baby Drake came to Boise over the weekend to hang out before they move back to Colorado. We had a ton of fun with them and wore ourselves out. The weather was near perfect so we went to Simplot's Hill & Hyde Park Saturday afternoon then had a barbeque and played a rousing game of lawn darts that night. Here are a few pics...

Callie and Tess walking down Simplot's Hill. I call this our Kennedy picture because it seems like a picture the Kennedy family would be grass, nice house, American flag in the background.

This is somewhat creepy. Jordan and I were running down the hill with blankets as capes (so as to catch the wind and take flight). In this shot I look like one of the monsters from M. Night Shyamalan's movie "The Village".

Brayden and Brooklyn liked playing with Jordan. Brooklyn ever appears to be checking him out in this shot.

Preparing the coals for the firewalk (which we did later that night).

Here Tess throws a lawn dart. Despite her good form and the fact that she was wearing a Nike sweatshirt, we fell to the Anderson's late in the game.

We were red. As you can see, this round wasn't our best. We should have played Bocce Ball instead.


Callie and Jordan said...

You made a good point that we should not have beat you at your own game in your own home. You will have to come even the score someday.

Ylfe said...

Hey Tess, how are you? Looks like a fun time! Hope you are feeling good. Love you,

Cool Waters said...

Or maybe you should have played lawn darts on the wii!

Cool Waters said...

Do we get to see pics of the remodel anytime soon??

Britt said...

HOW FUN! You both make Boise look so good! I miss you my BCF!