Sunday, September 27, 2009

Garden update

The garden is coming to a close. For our first year we felt like we had pretty good success. Our best growers were the tomatoes by far. We still have peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes, watermelon, and cantaloupe growing. Even though that sounds like a lot to me the garden looks really bare without the corn. We took out the corn and a lot of unnecessary pumpkin vines this week. These picture are from a few weeks ago so you can still see the full and complete look of the garden. We loved working in the garden this summer but it has gotten a little more exhausting for me the last few weeks watering, so I'm glad it's winding down.

Our harvest: tomatoes, banana peppers, corn and watermelon. The watermelon was still really white inside and only a little pink but we still have many in the garden yet to try.

Our tiny cantaloupe. It smelled like a cantaloupe but there wasn't much melon to eat to even tell if it tasted like a cantaloupe. But it was still so cute and little.

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