Thursday, October 18, 2012

Penny is 6 months old

Penny is 6 months old! This is going too fast. Pretty soon she is going to be an old lady, ok maybe not pretty soon. Here are her 6 month stats : 12lbs 15 oz (3.2%) 25 inches long (13.75%). She can almost sit but is still pretty wobbly. Her hair has gotten lighter, thinner and longer. She loves eating real food at the table with the family. She loves watching Graham and Lars play. And I can just tell she is going to be funny, like even more of a goofball than her brother. We love our little Penny girl.

This face just makes me melt.
Nothing like a zebra romper to make you smile big.
Penny's birth day
Penny 1 month
Penny 2 months
Penny 3 months
Penny 4 months
Penny 5 months
Penny 6 months


Pederson Seven said...

What a beauty!!!! I am melting:)

Britt said...

I love that Penny and especially her birth day picture, it is just so cute. A favorite for sure.