Monday, July 25, 2011

Extended Smith Family Reunion

At the beginning of the month we went down to Utah for Ryan's Smith family reunion.

Grandpa and Grandma Smith. #1 and #2 at the reunion. We all got #s at the reunion according to when we joined the family, either by birth or marriage. Ryan was #40, I was #99 and G was #120.

G sitting by his great grandpa Smith.

Grandpa Smith sporting his Boise State hat.

Huge family picture. We are in the bottom left corner.

We had a family 5k. We took 2nd in the stroller division (I won't mention out of how many strollers).

Graham showing his dad how to start a race.

Don't ask me why we look so fierce in this picture. I guess it is just our nature.

On the last night we had a family luau. Which wouldn't be complete without dancing. Which wouldn't be complete without fake tattoos.

Ryan (2nd from the right) showing his chanting and dancing skills.

Bill my father in-law (3rd from right) also showing his chanting and dancing skills.

By the end of each night G barely had any clothes on and was literally starting to climb the walls, or me.


Danielle said...

hah looks super fun! I like that idea of numbering when you got into the family. That took someone a long time to figure out I bet! Super fun- you are seriously so pretty! You haven't changed a bit since I first met you (except you do seem skinnier- no joke).

Cori Shaw, MS, RD said...

I love old people! And fake tattoos!