Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July

This year for the 4th we went to the "We the People" parade downtown. In the evening we went to the neighborhood block party. And finally we went down to the park for fireworks. We love this country and are so thankful to all those who serve and have served to protect it.

Our parade spot, right in front of the Capital building.

Doing some pre parade wandering.

Are they coming yet?

Graham held a flag the whole day. Minus nap time.

We walked in the park and the fireworks started. Talk about cutting it close.

Needless to say G slept in and is pushing a 4 hour nap as we speak.


Cool Waters said...

Good pictures! I wish we would have been in Boise, I miss their fireworks! We bought a $1 pack of fireworks set them off for Chloe while it was sprinkling rain. It worked out though haha. You guys should come here - aerial fireworks are legal!

Ylfe said...

What a fun 4th! love all the festivals too. It's so fun to see pictures of you guys.